Friday, June 18, 2010

Idea Book Entry # 1: Curtain Design

A friend of mine told me last week, “Apsal blog rumah kau tu ader 2 entry je,”. I cant remember what my response was (mestilah ader response, bajet la being me), but it dawned on me that it has been a while since we posted anything here. Busy kot (busy dengan ape?? haha~ i dont know)

Anyway, I came across the picture below. And I think I like this curtain design very much. But I don’t think this design will suit the theme I have going on (in my head) for our house. But still I like it.


I saved this picture and think what I want to do with it. I liked it but it doesnt go with the theme. I dont want to throw the idea away because I might want to use it (and mainly because I like the design). Then a very brilliant thought hit me! An idea book!! So I can just throw everything I see that I like in there and browse through later when I need motivation and ideas. As we already we have a blog for our house up and running already, I just post my ideas there!! So xde la gambar2 on things yg menarik and cantik and I like terbazir begitu sahaja.

And I really hate the times when “Eh, hari tu ader jumpa satu gambar nie cantik sangat bley refer utk dapat idea,” skali tengok2 rupenye dah buang.

So this is the start of my idea book. Banyak lagi to come (if i’m not too lazy to type, sbb actually dalam kepala ader banyak giler idea).